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Showing posts from April, 2017

2015 March 15 #1 and 2 Temari

2015 March 15  Beginning Kiku Herringbone Temari Parts 1 and 2 Beautiful Temari, challenge to me during the spring coldness.   I have really begun to enjoy this beautiful art form.  I hope to grow from here. 2017 April 30, and now I write about the fun I had with this project. #1 is approx 23 cm and was wrapped around a medium sized styrofoam ball, then covered round and round with more knitting worsted thread. Bringing me to the place of decorating in a beautiful Mint Green and Baby pink for my two C8 colour choices.  I finished this smaller Mari in the allotted time to start on #2 with the group......... Now I can finish the story of Temari #2 using a C16 bright red crochet cotton was used to complete the guideline pattern.  I wrapped this styrofoam ball (large size) starting finishing at 33cm.  My material choice with this mari was to wrap round and round, layer upon layer using a fancy knitting type of wool.  It has little squares of colour as part of the wool type.  The squ

2015 Apr 30 Moving to Temari #3 Part 1

Temari #3. Kiku Herringbone Beginner Temari Part 1 I have joined the group online and now I am ready to join the KIKU HERRINGBONE Beginner Temari.  Our first Temari in this challenge is very easy as compared to the 2nd part. Part 1 we have learned how to begin the base of the Temari ball but using one of several choices.  I chose to use a 3" styrofoam center.  Then came the wrap around the center using some left over knitting worsted thread.  When the size we needed had been reached, then came wrapping and wrapping using thread, I chose black.  According to the instructions, then next step brought out our very pretty choice of crochet cotton. I chose a pretty white semi-medium thread that was wrapped so beautifully with a rainbow-colour of metallic thread.   My final wrap brought the mari to a 25cm size.  Was request to work on a 23 cm but Instruction told me this is just a fine size will expand the pattern a bit larger. Part 1:  This is a C8 guideline division so that the

History to date......April 11, 2017

Here I am at the time I made my first attempt making the Temari.  Approximate 2006 when recovering from surgery.  Bed rest, stay quiet but do not veggie away.......A very special friend Shari from Saskatchewan sent me a book on Japanese Artwork.  Inside this book, I found 2 Temari patterns, so out came the supplies and my love for Temari work began. Above and beside you will see the pictures of my 1st two pieces.  Oh boy, I was so proud of them both.....but now looking at them, pride still stands but so does the knowledge that I have so much to learn.   Of course, these are not quite the same as the tutorial in the book....they have some serious issues.....which I am not going to define....but how precious they are to me. From this start, I am going to learn how to improve my techniques.  Thanks to Barb Suss and the Group. In winter 2015 I joined an online group....Temari Challenge....and began in seriousness to jump in with both feet and join a group effort of Beginning KIK